ATTENDED 17 KEY CONFERENCES AND EVENTS AAF HOSTED 10WORKSHOPS | EVENTS | WEBINARS ORCID LAUNCH · ORCID WEBINARS X2 · APAN 42 IDM WORKSHOP · HONG KONG WORKSHOPS & IDM UNIVERSITY VISITS · ORCID OUTREACH MEETING · NECTAR WORKSHOPS X2 · UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONG WORKSHOP · LOCAL GOVERNMENT FORUM AAF PARTICIPATED IN INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS FOR REFEDS, APAN, ORCID AND HONG KONG FEDERATION NATIONAL MEETINGS FOR AERO, ORCID WORKING GROUP, ORCID GOVERNANCE GROUP, QUDIT, NSW HEALTH, DATA LIFECYCLE & ERESEARCH FRAMEWORK AAF PRESENTED 27 TIMES THROUGH 2016 ANNUAL SUBSCRIBER SURVEY In May 2016, the AAF released its fifth annual subscriber survey. The survey’s aim was to capture our subscribers’ needs, increase our understanding of future activities and priorities, and understand how our subscribers perceive the AAF. Overall the survey indicated that subscribers were satisfied with the reliability and services offered by the AAF. From the Survey there were four main recommendations which the AAF will consider as part of future strategic objectives. These recommendation categories included: ■ ■ Internationalisation: eduGAIN implementation and ORCID ■ ■ One stop shop: National authentication and authorisation solution, simpler deployment (SaaS solution), multi protocol (OpenID Connect) ■ ■ Business development: Continue to grow the federation, connect with more commercial/vendors and health ■ ■ Outreach and engagement: Reach out to a broader audience and develop community spaces. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 19