ORCID Governance

The Australian ORCID Steering Committee

The ORCID Steering Committee (OSC) will act in the interests of the Australian ORCID Consortium members, providing guidance to the AAF (Consortium Lead) to ensure future sustainability. The OSC will also provide expert knowledge and contribute to the development of the Australian National Persistent Identifier (PID) Strategy and Roadmap, and support future policy development and implementation. 

ORCID Governance Committee: Terms of Reference

Member Organisation
Judi Zielke  Independent Chair
Natasha Simons Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC)
Melroy Almeida AAF nominee
Nicole Clark Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), Chair
Prof Deborah Sweeney Universities Australia DVC-R, Chair
Greg Sawyer Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT), CEO
Julie Glover NHMRC, Executive Director
Alison Beasley Australian Research Council (ARC)
Michelle Vincent Australasian Research Management Society (ARMS), Chair