Connecting Australia’s research, teaching and learning communities
The AAF has a number of solutions available. We can work with you to find a solution that best suits your organisation’s needs.
For users
Access national research and education services with one username and password.
For national research infrastructures
We are partnering with fellow national research infrastructures to enable system-wide trust and identity.
For education organisations
Securely share information and collaborate with all Australian universities, CSIRO, NSW Health and other research organisations.
For publishers and platforms
Provide your content to all Australian universities, CSIRO and medical research institutes with a single configuration.
Trust & Identity for national research infrastructure
We are Australia's Trust and Identity capability for the national research infrastructure system.
Featured stories and case studies
Unlocking the power of Australia’s Tier 1 supercomputer
AAF has partnered with the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre exploring options to provide seamless and secure access to their supercomputing service using federated identities.
AAF and the Australian BioCommons
AAF helped the Australian BioCommons with secure access to data ensuring researchers have more time to get on with their life-saving research.
Making visible the impact of Australia’s national microscopy infrastructure
Through trust and identity, the impact of Australia’s distributed microscopy infrastructure will be revealed. AAF has partnered with Microscopy Australia exploring impact tracking through persistent identifiers (PIDs).
Enabling research and innovation to address climate change through trust and identity
The AAF and ACCESS-NRI are partnering to explore the challenges of reporting on the usage of ACCESS-NRI assets such as code and data.
``For Macquarie, AAF’s Rapid IdP product positively changed the way the organisation operates. With the Rapid IdP application, system admins can now spend more time on other business value initiatives.``Grant Sayer
Director of Infrastructure and Applications — Macquarie University
``The eduGAIN connection, provided by the AAF, is a vital service for an international collaboration like the MWA, making it simple for our team of global researchers to access data from the telescope.``Professor Melanie Johnston-Hollitt
Director — Curtin Institute for Computation & Director — Murchison Widefield Array
``A primary consideration for AURIN is FAIR data access in a safe and secure manner for its research community. This requires high-quality trusted security solutions, like the AAF to be in place.``Professor Stuart Barr
Director — AURIN (Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network)
``Pawsey is grateful for the opportunity to work with the AAF, developing new capabilities in Trust and Identity in Australia for High Performance Computing (HPC) Systems. Pawsey is leveraging the expertise of the AAF and our knowledge of the underlying technical HPC functionality to prototype and build the service integrations that will make this all possible.``Mark Gray
Head of Strategic Partnerships — Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre
``One of our greatest challenges, is to connect and report on the impact our of distributed services. Through this Trust and Identity Pathfinder incubator, we are partnering with the AAF to investigate the tracking of our infrastructure through PIDs at The University of Queensland, UNSW Sydney, Monash University and the University of Adelaide.``Dr Lisa Yen
Chief Executive Officer — Microscopy Australia