AAF enables international connections

eduGAIN is an international service connecting research communities and higher education identity federations around the world. The eduGAIN interfederation service simplifies access to content, services and resources for over 80 participating federations, connecting more than 8,000 Identity and Services Providers globally.

Why eduGAIN?

Users, services and organisations who need to easily and securely manage access to services benefit from eduGAIN. AAF enables organisations to reuse their existing systems to connect internationally, without having to make multiple individual agreements.

For Research Organisations

Benefits to researchers include:

access to a wider range of research services
simple, secure access to services using a single username and password for all services connected to eduGAIN and the AAF

For more information read the Identity Provider Information Pack.

For Service Providers

Benefits to service providers include:

secure access to users in more than 4000 organisations around the world with a single integration
eduGAIN subscribers manage user identities, which reduces the support and risk for a service provider

For more information read the Service Provider Information Pack.

When requesting an eduGAIN connection form please supply details for a security contact and primary representative.

Subscriber organisations that have connected to eduGAIN

Organisation Identity Provider Service Provider Service
Actors Centre Australia
Australian National University
Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT)
Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI)
Curtin University
MWA Telescope Collaboration Proxy
Deakin University
Flinders University
Griffith University
The Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL)
James Cook University
Macquarie University
Monash University
Murdoch University
QIMR Berghofer
Queensland University of Technology
Swinburne University of Technology
The University of Melbourne
The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
The University of Queensland
Research Data Management
The University of Sydney
The University of Western Australia
The University of Wollongong
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
University of Adelaide
University of Canberra
University of Newcastle
University of New England
University of South Australia
University of Tasmania
University of Technology Sydney
Victoria University
Western Sydney University
University of Southern Queensland

View our resources to connect to eduGAIN.

Contact us

We're here to help. Contact AAF Support Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm AEST (excluding Queensland public holidays).