Services Connected

Please type in the Search box below to display areas of interest such as research or teaching.

Service NameProviderDescriptionCategories
AAF Management ToolsAAFAAF Management Tools that manage and technically verify the operation of Organisations, Identity Providers and Service Providers subscribed to the Australian Access Federation.Administrative
AC Lab System (ANU)The Australian National UniversityAC Lab System (ANU) touchscreen and lab cast, and ACLS booking system.Administrative
Academ WAMS ProductionAcademThe Academic Workload Allocations Management System (WAMS) is a web-based management tool designed to be flexible and generic, usable in diverse academic sections to manage workloads irrespective of academic workload models and processes.Administrative
ACEUniversity of SydneyThe ACE Program is developed as part of the Faculty of Health Sciences and designed to accelerate the development of professional communication skills and help bridge the gap from the classroom studies to working with clients in real life settings.and will better prepare students for their first fieldwork placement.Teaching & Learning, Health
Alveo ProductionWestern Sydney UniversityAlveo is a virtual laboratory for human communication science. It provides access to collections of speech and language data with a rich API to support data processing. It provides easy access to previously unshared tools for the analysis of previously difficult-to-access-data sets, from different disciplines such as speech science and speech tehncology, linguistics and language technology, behavioural science, music science, acoustics, psychology.Research Platform, Language, Repository
Alveo RepositoryIntersectAlveo provides on-line infrastructure for accessing human communication data sets (speech, texts, music, video, etc.) and for using specialised tools for searching, analysing and annotating that data.Discipline Specific, Language, Repository
ANFFHubLa Trobe UniversityThe ANFFHub aims to provide a space where researchers, collaborators and stakeholders in Australian Nanofabrication can come together in one website. Accessing and sharing documents, participating in user research groups, collaborating on projects, forum dicussions and remotely accessing applications, databases and analytical software tools.Research Platform, Engineering
Atlases of PathologyMasaryk UniversityCollection of atlases of Dermatopathology, Fetal Pathology, Neonatal Pathology, Bone Marrow Pathlogy, Rare Lymphomas and Pathology. Atlases contain thousands of pathology images and descriptions of them. Microscopic images are taken in very high resolution and virtual microscope interface is used to access such images. Images are annotated.Publishers, Repository
AURIN PortalThe University of MelbourneAURIN Access Portal for the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Project; Data sources include and are not limited to: demographic information, population health data, urban planning information, water and infrastructure data.Research Platform, Data, Repository
AURIN DataThe University of MelbourneAURIN Data for the Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN) Project; Data sources include and are not limited to: demographic information, population health data, urban planning information, water and infrastructure data.Research Platform, Data
AusStageFlinders UniversityAusStage provides an accessible online resource for researching live performance in Australia. Development is led by a consortium of universities, government agencies, industry organisations and collecting institutions with funding from the Australian Research Council and other sources. AusStage enables research on live performance as a wealth-producing creative industry, a generator of social capital and an indicator of the nation's cultural vitality. Australia stages some of the most ambitious, innovative and socially significant live events. Live interaction at communal events is essential to the cultural life of the nation. Innovative live performances project images of Australian culture to audiences here and overseas. AusStage is committed to collecting and sharing information about Australian live performance as an ongoing, open-access and collaborative endeavour. Our project office and server infrastructure are housed at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia. Our users come from across Australia and around the world. By sharing our knowledge through AusStage, we can learn more about Australian performance than ever before.Discipline Specific, Repository
AusTalkMacquarie UniversityAusTalk will provide a valuable and enduring digital repository of present day speech as a snapshot of this important time in our linguistic history.Discipline Specific, Language, Repository
Australian Access Federation Virtual HomeAAFThe AAF Virtual Home allows Identity Provider Administrators to create user accounts for researchers or collaborators who do not belong to an AAF-subscribed organisation.Administrative
Australian Data Archive Deposit DataverseThe Australian National UniversityAustralian Data Archive Deposit Dataverse is a service for self depositing data and documentation to be included in the Australian Data ArchiveResearch Platform, Repository
Australian National Corpus - AusNCGriffith UniversityThe Australian National Corpus (AusNC) is an ongoing project to collate and provide access to a wide range of samples of Australian language for use in academic research. Building on earlier work collecting corpora in different disciplines, AusNC will bring existing and newly collected samples together in one place and provide tools to help researchers annotate, analyse and collaborate on this data.Research Platform, Repository, Language
Australian Phenomics FacilityThe Australian National UniversityThe Australian Phenomics Facility (APF) is a specialised facility for developing, characterising and archiving mouse models of human disease.Research Platform, Repository, Biology
Authentigate ProductionNSW HealthAuthentigate Production is the centre for Health Record Linkage.Discipline Specific, Data, Repository
BridgeUniversity of SydneyBridge is an educational, research and clinical online training tool for health professionals.Teaching & Learning, Teaching
Cambridge Journals OnlineCambridge University PressCambridge Journals Online (CJO) publishing worldwide for peer reviewed academic journals and also supports the provision of titles from other publishers.
Cambridge Core is the books and journals platform from Cambridge University Press replacing Cambridge Journals Online (CJO). Also:
Care Collaborate ConnectUniversity of South AustraliaPsychological First Aid and Suicide Prevention training programs for staff and students.Administrative
CAUDIT Profile and Benchmarking SystemUniversity of South AustraliaCAUDIT offers its members the opportunity to participate in its Benchmarking Service. Participating institutions contribute IT Benchmarking and Profile Data collected and held by CAUDIT. Participants have access to the data from the Benchmarking Service to make comparisons between the member's university and other universities or groups of universities for purposes of the member's planning and budgeting processes. Access to the service requires authorisation from your institution's CAUDIT representative and adherence to the service's Appropriate Use Policy.

CAUDIT's Benchmarking System contains both benchmarking and profile data for member universities. Also:
Administrative, Data
CAUDIT WebsiteCAUDITThe CAUDIT Website is an online space providing public information to all IT staff within member institutions.Administrative
CheckAppNSW HealthThe Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL) links multiple sources of data and maintains a record linkage system that protects privacy. CheckApp connects Patients with Doctors, Pathology Labs, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Ambulances. Access Electronic Medical Records on the go.Discipline Specific, Repository, Data
ChemlabUniversity of SydneyChemlab is a laboratory for research in chemistry.
This service provides standardised label making templates
Discipline, Chemistry
CHeReL CheckAppNSW HealthThe Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL) links multiple sources of data and maintains a record linkage system that protects privacy. CheckApp connects Patients with Doctors, Pathology Labs, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Ambulances. Access Electronic Medical Records on the go.Discipline Specific, Health, Repository
Clarivate AnalyticsClarivate AnalyticsClarivate is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. Our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects and advances innovation.Publishers, Repository
Cloud Based Image Analsysis & Processing ToolkitCSIROCSRIO's Cloud Based Image Analysis & Processing Toolkit developed as part of NeCTAR programme. Provides various for image processing tools, both generic as well as specific for cellular, medical or synchrotron imaging.Research Platform, Data
FileSenderAARNetUse FileSender to securely and easily send your large files, such as research data, to colleagues located anywhere in the world. End-to-end encryption keeps your data safe. You have full control over who can access the files, and for how long.Research Platform
CMSSHubLa Trobe UniversityCMSSHub is a collaborative surface science community. The virtual Lab is hosted by Centre for Materials and Surface ScienceDiscipline Specific, Science
CoESRAUniversity of QueenslandEcosystem Science Analysis and Synthesis (CoESRA) is a collaborative environment for scholarly research and analysis. It is a free cloud-based virtual desktop workbench to perform complex data analysis workflows and share the work embedded in a web browser accessible with AAF (Australian Access Federation) account.Research Platform, Compute
Collaborative Crystallisation Centre - (C3) Booking SoftwareCSIROCSIRO's Collaborative Crystallisation Centre - (C3) allows for scheduling bookings for equipment across CSIRO laboratories and facilities.Administrative
CSIRO Data Access PortalCSIROThe CSIRO Data Access Portal provides access to data published by CSIRO across a range of disciplines.Research Platform, Data, Repository
CVL at UQQueensland Cyber Infrastructure FoundationCharacterisation Virtual Laboratory (CVL), Queensland node hosted at UQ with QCIF.Research Platform, Compute
Deakin Data PortalDeakin UniversityThe Deakin Data Portal provides a mechanism for researchers and research groups to share their data and collected materials with other members of the Australian research community.Research Platform, Data
eHealth Production CheckAppNSW HealthThe Centre for Health Record Linkage to support health research and management of health services.Discipline Specific, Health,
eSpacesJames Cook UniversityeSpaces is a free web-based collaboration platform for researchers and groups. Start sharing files and collaborating with colleagues across institutions in Australia & New Zealand quickly and securely. Configure your eSpace as you'd like it: choose a theme, make it public or private, and make it yours.Research Platform, Data
Federal Law ReviewThe Australian National UniversityThe Federal Law Review (FLR) is a quarterly peer-reviewed law review established in 1964. It is published by the ANU College of Law. FLR is recognised as one of Australia's leading academic law journals. The FLR publishes high quality scholarship on matters of public law, both in Australia and elsewhere.Publishers
Federated ServicesAAFThe service you are trying to access is connected to the Australian Access Federation. Select your organisation below to log in.Administrative
Federation Status DashboardAAFThe AAF Federation Status monitors AAF-connected Service Providers and Identity Providers and reports when systems are offline.Administrative
figsharefigshareFigshare is a repository where users can make all of their research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.
Figshare is designed for academic research data management and research data dissemination. It accepts all file types (with in-browser viewing).
Research Platform, Data
Flipped Classroom in School of Electrical and Information EngineeringUniversity of SydneyServer to provide material for flipped UoS in the School of Electrical and Information EngineeringTeaching & Learning, Engineering
Grok LearningGrok LearningGrok Learning provides a platform and courses for learning to program in various programming languages.
Students learn at their own pace, receiving detailed feedback about their progress from our intelligent auto-marking system.
Teaching & Learning
HIEvWestern Sydney UniversityThe HIEv data capture system, hosted at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (HIE) at Western Sydney University, is an application allowing both automated (e.g via sensor-based networks) and manual upload of data into a secure and centralised data server. A web-based interface sitting on top of the data allows registered users the ability to explore and download hosted data for further scientific analysis and exploration. At its core the HIEv is designed to facilitate and encourage the sharing of, reuse of, and collaboration around data, thus maximising scientific advancement.Research Platform, Data
HPC PortalUniversity of South AustraliaUniSA's HPC Cluster provides researchers and research students with access to a high performance computer cluster. The HPC Portal provides native web tools that allow command line access and ability to manage files and jobs from a web browser."Research Platform, Compute
HuNI Virtual LaboratoryDeakin UniversityThe Humanities Networked Infrastructure (HuNI) is a national Virtual Laboratory developed as part of the Australian government's NeCTAR (National e-Research Collaboration Tools and Resources) program. HuNI combines information from 32 of Australia's most significant cultural datasets. These datasets comprise more than 17.7 million authoritative records relating to the people, organisations, objects, works and events that make up Australia's rich cultural heritage. HuNI also enables researchers to work with and share this large-scale aggregation of cultural information.Discipline Specific, Human Society, Repository
IGSN Service - ProductionAustralian Research Data CommonsAn International Geo Sample Number (IGSN) provides an unambiguous globally unique persistent identifier for physical samples. The ARDC's IGSN service facilitates the location, identification, and citation of physical samples used in research.

The ARDC IGSN service has been developed for use by the Australian earth science research community. The service is free and may be used to assign IGSN identifiers to geophysical samples associated with an Australian research activity such as rock, soil and sediment.
Discipline Specific, Repository,
IIE DIverWestern Sydney University & IntersectCIE Data - Centre for Infrastructure Engineering.

CIE is a world class research centre at the leading edge of Infrastructure Engineering. We focus on the analysis, design, maintenance and rehabilitation of built infrastructure.
Research Platform, Compute
In Teachers' HandsEdith Cowan UniversityEffective Literacy Teaching Practices in the Early Years of Schooling - This website presents the results of the research project In Teachers' Hands: Effective Literacy Teaching Practices in the Early Years of Schooling. The project was based at Edith Cowan University and included researchers from around Australia.Teaching & Learning, Repository
Indigenous Tutorial Assistance SchemeUniversity of SydneyThe Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) provide academic support and study assistance in one-on-one or small group tutoring.Teaching & Learning
Informit (RMIT Publishing)RMIT UniveristyInformit is the premier source of core research and professional resources from the Australasian region. Informit content is carefully selected, indexed and digitised by RMIT Publishing on behalf of leading publishers and professional associations, making it easier for you to find reputable information and get better results. With over 70 full text and index databases, Informit connects you to unique and hard-to-find resources across a number of disciplines.Publishers
Intersect REDCap TrainingIntersectREDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy. REDCap features a high level of security, and a high degree of customisability for your forms and advanced user access control. It also features free, unlimited survey distribution functionality and a sophisticated export module with support for all standard statistical programs.Teaching & Learning, Teaching
IPLUniversity of SydneyStudents can use this site to complete Interprofessional Learning (IPL) activities when on placement. Educators will find this site useful to access a range of resources and activities for supporting Interprofessional Learning within the placement setting. Interprofessional learning on placement gives students an experiential basis for developing skills for collaborative care in the professional workplace. Collaborative and patient/client-centred care has been shown to improve health and social care outcomes.Teaching & Learning
James Cook University Research Data CatalogueJames Cook UniversityThis service facilitates metadata capture and cataloging for the research outputs and activities of James Cook University (JCU).Research Platform, Data
JCU JournalsJames Cook UniversityJCU Journals is online journal hosting for publications produced or associated with James Cook University.Publishers
JCU ReDBoxJames Cook UniversityReDBox DMP tool allows researchers to indicate resource requirements such as expected storage volumes.

ReDBox is a solution for any organisation that needs to manage and publish data collections. ReDBox is primarily used by Australian universities to capture and publish the metadata for Australian research data collections.
Research Platform, Data
Karger PublishersKarger PublisherKarger Publishers is a worldwide publisher of scientific and medical content - connecting the World of Biomedical Science.Publishers
LTU-1 Shazam Server ProductionIntersectShazam is an automated research data teleport system created by Intersect to implement robust, fault-tolerant data acquisition solutions for research projects.Research Platform, Data
Marine Virtual Laboratory PortalUniversity of TasmaniaThe Marine Virtual Laboratory (MARVL), is a research tool used to gather the necessary initial conditions and forcing fields for an oceanographic model study.Research Platform, Compute
Midja MapUniversity of QueenslandMidja Map maker used to generate scatter plots and linear regression plots after selecting locations.Research Platform, Repository
Monash eResearch Center HPC IDMonash UniversityMonash eResearch Center HPC ID enabling discovery, through the application of advanced computing, data informatics, tools and infrastructure, delivered at scale, and built with a co-design principle between researchers and technologists.Research Platform, Compute
Monash eResearch Centre SSHAuthZMonash UniversityAn OAuth2 wrapper around the service of signing SSH Certificates using Shibboleth to Authenticate.Research Platform, Compute
MQ WAMSAcademWeighted Average Mark (WAMS) is used to measure academic performance, determine eligibility for a program and assess progression in courses.Administrative
Murdoch WAMSMurdoch UniversityMQ WAMS application.Administrative
Nature ResearchSpringer NatureNature Research serves the research community by publishing its most significant discoveries.Publishers, Publisher
Nectar MetricsThe University of MelbourneNectar Metrics.Administrative
NeCTAR Research Cloud MonitoringThe University of MelbourneNeCTAR Research Cloud Monitoring Admin Service.Administrative
NeCTAR Research Cloud Monitoring (Tas)The University of MelbourneNeCTAR Research Cloud Monitoring Admin Service.Administrative
Nectar SupportThe University of MelbourneNectar Support.Administrative
NewVote QUT SSOQueensland University of TechnologyNewVote QUT SSO - NewVote app is an online crowd-sourcing, co-design and communication and decision-making tool accessible on all devices with in-built privacy, transparency and accountability features. This is what we call 'democracy as a service'. The code of the app is open source and secure democratic infrastructure.Administrative
Occupational Therapy SimulationsDeakin UniversityOccupational Therapy Simulations used to support learning and teaching in health-care education.Teaching & Learning
OnTaskUNSW SydneyOnTask aims to improve the academic experience through the delivery of timely, personalised and actionable student feedback throughout their participation in a course.Administrative
Oxford University Press JournalsHighWire PressOxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.Publishers
Pawsey Application PortalPawsey Supercomputing CentrePawsey Supercomputers infrastructure.Administrative
phenoSMARTAustralian Plant Phenomics FacilityThe phenoSMART® gateway provides on-demand access to tailored Apps, services and resources for managing, analysing and visualising plant phenotyping data.Research Platform, Compute
QCIF QRIScloud Services PortalQueensland Cyber Infrastructure FoundationQRIScloud (Queensland Research and Innovation Services cloud) provides a simple, effective and economical way for researchers to access large-scale cloud computing, data storage and data collections to facilitate research and collaboration. QRIScloud is a service provided by QCIF Limited and its member universities.Research Platform, Compute
RandomisationGriffith UniversityThe Griffith Clinical Trial Randomisation and Registration Service (CTRRS) provides a specialised range of services, including automated centralised randomisation together with experienced clinical trial staff to support clinical trials across all disciplines undertaken by Griffith academics, students, collaborators, the Gold Coast University Hospital and other affiliated hospitals.Administrative
REDCap CHRISP - Production PlatfromNSW HealthREDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.Research Platform
REDCap TrainingIntersectREDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.Research Platform
Research CloudThe University of MelbourneThe Research Cloud provides Infrastructure as a Service.Research Platform
Research Data AustraliaAustralian Research Data CommonsFind, access, and re-use data for research - from over one hundred Australian research organisations, government agencies, and cultural institutions.

The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) is a transformational initiative that enables Australian research community and industry access to nationally significant, leading edge data intensive eInfrastructure, platforms, skills and collections of high-quality data.
Research Data ManagerUniversity of QueenslandThe Research Data Manager (RDM) system is a robust, world-leading system designed and developed here at UQ. RDM has pioneered and adopted the highest standards of excellence in research data management. It provides, for the first time, the means for all UQ researchers and their collaborators to ensure their research data is managed in line with best practice.Research Platform, Data
Research ProfessionalResearch Research LtdResearch Professional is an intuitive platform for online access to news and funding services.Administrative
Research Vocabularies AustraliaAustralian Research Data CommonsResearch Vocabularies Australia helps you find, access, and reuse vocabularies for research.Research Platform, Repository
Royal Society of Chemistry Publications OnlineRoyal Society of ChemistryRoyal Society of Chemistry Journals (1841 – to date), eBooks (1968 – to date) and Database content delivered via the RSC publishing platform. Please contact [email protected] to enable shibboleth access to your subscription.Publishers, Chemistry
SerenityCSIROSerenity CSIROResearch Platform, Biology
TERN shared-webTERNSimplifying the process of capturing metadata for terrestrial ecosystem data in a standard format and preparing it for publication to the TERN Data Portal.Research Platform, Data
Shibboleth Issues TrackerJISC AdvanceThe issue tracking service operated by the Shibboleth Consortium for the Shibboleth project.Publishers
Shibboleth WikiJISC AdvanceA wiki for Shibboleth, including documentation, contributions, code access information, etc.Publishers
eResearch AUAEROAeRO is the industry association focused on eResearch in AustraliaResearch Platform
SpringerSpringer NatureThe world's most comprehensive online collection of scientific, technological and medical journalsPublishers
ASVO taoAll-Sky Virtual Observatory (ASVO)Queryable Data from multiple popular cosmological simulations and galaxy formation models which can be funneled through higher-level modules to build custom mock galaxy catalogues and images.Research Platform, Data
TERN DOI systemUniversity of QueenslandThis service is for developers and researchers to log in to the system using federated authentication and create DOI for their dataset.Research Platform, Repository
Terra Nova - Climate Change Adaptation Information HubGriffith UniversityTerra Nova exists to support more effective climate change adaptation research and responses by improving the accessibility and availability of climate change adaptation data and information to researchers and decision-makers in Australia and across the region.Research Platform, Repository
The Australian Collaboration for Clinical Assessment in Medicine (ACCLAiM)James Cook UniversityACCLAiM commenced in 2010 and is a collaborative venture between medical schools in Australia and New Zealand. This online system is a collaborative workspace focussing on examination review, discussion, and feedback.Discipline Specific, Health
The Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL)Griffith UniversityThe Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory (BCCVL) provides an innovative, efficient, robust portfolio of integrated tools and data collections modelling the potential responses of Australia's biodiversity to climate change through an easy-to-use, web-based platform.Research Platform, Compute
Theoretical Astrophysical ObservatorySwinburne University of TechnologyThe Theoretical Astrophysical Observatory (TAO) will house queryable data from multiple popular cosmological simulations (currently the Millennium Simulation and Bolshoi Simulation) and galaxy formation models (currently Croton et al. 2006 and Somerville et al. 2008) in a database that is optimised for rapid access. Query results can be funnelled through additional modules, such as Spectral Energy Distribution and Mock Image generation, and sent to a local supercomputer for further processing and manipulation. All this will be accessible via the cloud through a browser for access anywhere in the world by the astronomical community.Research Platform
traitcapture.orgThe Australian National UniversityTraitCapture is an ARC and NCRIS funded collaborative project between the Borevitz Lab, the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility at ANU and the Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology (PEB).Research Platform, Compute
TrISMAQueensland University of TechnologyTrISMA provides researchers with real-time, large-scale access to this stream of public communication, by establishing a subscription to major social media data sources.Research Platform
TruDatThe University of Western AustraliaTruDat Data Store UWA.Research Platform, Data
TurnitinTurnitinTurnitin provides instructors with the tools to engage students in the writing process, provide personalized feedback, and assess student progress over time. Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions in 150 countries.Teaching & Learning
Une WAMSUniversity of New EnglandUNE WAMS application.Administrative
UniMelb figshareThe University of MelbourneUniMelb Figshare repository for research outputs available in a citable, shareable and discoverable manner.
Figshare is designed for academic research data management and research data dissemination. It accepts all file types (with in-browser viewing).
Research Platform, Repository
UniSA - DataAccessPortalUniversity of South AustraliaThe UniSA Research Data Access Portal showcases a range of Open Access research collections and datasets developed or collected by the University of South Australia.Research Platform, Data
UniSA - DMPSUniversity of South AustraliaThe UniSA Data Management Planning System (DMPS) allows researchers to generate their own data management plans, and allows researchers to self deposit metadata (descriptive information) about a project that is not already in the University's research system (Research Master).Research Platform, Data
UniSA - Research Data ManagementUniversity of South AustraliaResearch outputs are securecly stored, accurately reported, globally visible and reusable. Research Data Management assists with research integrity and replication, increases research efficiency, enhances data security and retention, allows for data reuse and ensures compliance with industry and commercial practices.Discipline Specific, Health, Data
University of Tasmania (Health) - Academic Workload Management System (WAMS)University of TasmaniaThe University of Tasmania (Health) Academic Workload Allocations Management System (WAMS) is a web-based tool to manage academic workload in accordance with the relevant workload model(s) and associated policy.Administrative
Technology Enabled Learning and Teaching (TELT) is a Learning Management System (LMS) that supports learning by extending face-to-face learning to the online learning environment.
UQ RDM - ProductionUniversity of QueenslandUQ RDM - Production - Production gives online access for the University of Queensland Research Data Manager (UQRDM) system.Research Platform, Data
USYD Arts WAMSUniversity of SydneyUSYD Arts WAMS system - Weighted Average Mark (WAM)Administrative
Validator ServiceAAFValidator Service will validate the attributes provided about you from your identity provider ensuring they are provided in a format that is suitable for consumption by AAF connected services.Administrative
VGLThe University of MelbourneThe Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL) is a scientific workflow portal that provides Geophysicists with access to an integrated environment that exploits eResearch tools and Cloud computing technology.Research Platform, Compute
VGL ProductionThe University of MelbourneResearch Platform, Compute
VGL AuScopeThe University of MelbourneThe Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL) is a scientific workflow portal that provides Geophysicists with access to an integrated environment that exploits eResearch tools and Cloud computing technology.Research Platform, Compute
WA Reciprocal BorrowerCurtin UniversityWA Reciprocal Borrower is Online Reciprocal Borrowing registration is available to current students and staff of Curtin, ECU, Murdoch, UWA and UNDA. You can now register online before travelling to the libraries from which you wish to borrow so that your record is available on their system. You will still need to provide your home university ID card and your university email address when you first borrow items.Administrative
Westmead cBioPortalUniversity of SydneyAccess to Westmead cBioPortal.Research Platform, Data
Ex Libris XLUniversity of SydneyEx Libris purpose built for executives trying to drive the adoption of digital health. We help them build landscapes and dealflows to educate their colleagues and differentiate solutions based on funding, commercial partnerships, published evidence and regulatory approvals because we know this is what matters in healthcare. We make it easy for them to find the data and expertise they need and collaborate with colleagues to achieve their final innovation objective.Discipline Specific, Health
AcaWriterUniversity of Technology, SydneyAcaWriter helps develop your academic and reflective writing by providing instant, automatic feedback on your drafts, 24/7. AcaWriter works with 2 types of writing genres, analytical and reflective writing.Teaching & Learning
Allocate PlusCharles Sturt University, Victoria UniversityAllocate Plus is a class allocation and management system designed to meet the challenge of an institution's class allocation needs. Allocate Plus provides access control to functions and data, controls student allocation and distribution and defines complex allocation requirements. Contact the provider to access your organisation's instance of Allocate Plus.Teaching & Learning
ANU College of LawThe Australian National UniversityANU College of Law provides a unique understanding of current law and policy, with our alumni working not only as lawyers, but as agents for social change, improving public policy and enhancing global diplomacy.Teaching & Learning
Australian Data Archive ANU DataverseThe Australian National UniversityAustralian Data Archive ANU Dataverse is a service for collecting, preserving, publishing and accessing digital research data for ANU staff and students. Managed by the Australian Data Archive.Research Platform, data
AWAUniversity of Technology, SydneyAcademic Writing Analysis provides instant feedback to help students improve their drafts.Teaching & Learning, Learning
CIC MDSIUniversity of Technology, SydneyThe UTS Connected Intelligence Centre (CIC) is a strategic innovation centre which operates as a creative incubator to catalyse thinking about the impact of data and algorithms on education, research, and society more broadly.Teaching & Learning
CirrusUniversity of QueenslandCirrus is a teaching and learning platform used by chemistry research students.Teaching & Learning, Teaching, Learning
DoubtFireDeakin UniversityOnTrack is a web assessment tool that provides students with a task oriented approach to portfolio assessment to stay aligned by completing tasks as part of their learning.Administrative
Fuji Xerox USYD Prod Public ServiceFuji XeroxFuji Xerox USYD Prod Public Service.Administrative
Griffith In Asia Agri-Business collaborative platformGriffith UniversityGriffith's collaborative platform across South East Asia users of the Agri-Business and trade research studies in Australia and the Asia–Pacific region.Discipline Specific, Agriculture, Business
James Cook University Research ServicesJames Cook UniversityThe James Cook University Research Services focuses on the tropics.Research Platform of QueenslandThe University of Queensland's e-learning service where sudents can access courses and materials, view announcements, grades and customise modules.Teaching & Learning
Live law websiteThe Australian National UniversityLive Law is a legal news portal used to build legal documents.Teaching & Learning
Macquarie University LimeSurveyMacquarie UniversityLimeSurvey hosted online survey tool. This service is hosted for Macquarie in a secure environment in Melbourne. All data is retained only in Australia and transmitted over HTTPS.Administrative
NewVote UQ SSOUniversity of QueenslandNewVote UQ SSO - NewVote app is an online crowd-sourcing, co-design and communication and decision-making tool accessible on all devices with in-built privacy, transparency and accountability features. This is what we call 'democracy as a service'. The code of the app is open source and secure democratic infrastructure.Administrative
OnTrackDeakin UniversityOnTrack is a web assessment tool that provides students with a task oriented approach to portfolio assessment to stay aligned by completing tasks as part of their learning. Students will work through a series of tasks in order to achieve a target grade to complete their unit learning outcomes.Administrative
Publish PartnerFuji Xerox Uni SydPublishPartner provides marketing, educational materials, design and print services to the The University of Sydney. Also:
QUT ESOEQueensland University of TechnologyQUT Login service - allows access to QUT services.Teaching & Learning
QUT Guild VotingQueensland University of TechnologyQUT Guild Voting. See "NewVote QUT SSO."Administrative
QUT WeBWorksQueensland University of TechnologyWeBWorks maths testing.Teaching & Learning
SRESUniversity of SydneyThe Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES) was developed by educators at the University of Sydney to help teachers personalise engagement with students at scale by collecting, analysing and acting on data.Administrative
UQ Login ServiceUniversity of QueenslandUQ Login Service permits access to UQ services.Administrative
UWA RISK.TEQUniversity of Western AustraliaRISK.TEQ is an application for planning, managing risk and reporting on field trips or similar off-site activities where Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) compliance or similar regulation is required.Administrative
Academic Workload Management System (WAMS)University of Southern Queensland, University of South Australia, Deakin University, Monash University, University of TasmaniaThe Academic Workload Allocations Management System (WAMS) is a web-based tool to manage academic workload in accordance with the relevant workload model(s) and associated policy.Administrative
American Society for Microbiology JournalsHighWire PressAmerican Society for Microbiology Journals (ASM journals) are the most prominent publications in the field, delivering up-to-date and authoritative coverage of both basic and clinical microbiology.Publishers
BMJ JournalsHighwire PressThe BMJ (British Medical Journal) is an international peer reviewed medical journal and a fully online first" publication. Our Òcontinuous publicationÓ model means that all articles appear on before being included in an issue of the print journal. The website is updated daily with the BMJ's latest original research, education, news, and comment articles, as well as podcasts, videos, and blogs.Publishers
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)Highwire PressEuropean Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) is an organization of more than 1500 leading researchers that promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organization are to support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of scientific information, and help build a European research environment where scientists can achieve their best work.Publishers
Georg Thieme Verlag KGGeorg Thieme Verlag KGOnline Dienste der Thieme Verlagsgruppe. Bspw. Online-Zeitschriftendienst der Thieme Verlagsgruppe. Dieser stellt die Inhalte von medizinischen und wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften zur Verfügung.Publishers
JAMAHighWire PressJAMA, published continuously since 1883, is an international peer-reviewed general medical journal published 48 times per year. JAMA is the most widely circulated medical journal in the world. The online version is made freely available to institutions in developing countries. JAMA's 2010 impact factor is 30 (the impact factor is a measure of citation rate per article, and is calculated by dividing 1 year's worth of citations to a journal's articles published in the previous 2 years by the number of major articles [eg, research papers, reviews] published by that journal in those 2 years).Publishers
Journal WatchHighWire PressJournal Watch mission is to help physicians and allied heath professionals save time and stay informed by providing brief, clearly written, clinically focused perspectives on the medical developments that affect practice. Journal Watch Physician Editorial Boards survey the medical literature, select the most important research and guidelines, distill them into focused summaries, and frame them in a clinical context. In addition, they cover the most important medical news, drug information, and public health alerts.Publishers
Journals of the American Society of NephrologyHighWire PressJASN is the leading kidney journal in the world with an ISI impact factor of 7.111. JASN publishes highly competitive original manuscripts, brief reviews, and special articles in areas of basic and clinical science relevant to the broad discipline of nephrology. Topics include but are not limited to: cell biology; developmental biology; genetics; cell and transport physiology; hemodynamics and vascular regulation; immunology and pathology; pathophysiology of renal disease and progression; mineral metabolism and bone disease; clinical nephrology, epidemiology and outcomes; dialysis; and transplantation.Publishers
Journals of the Royal College of PsychiatristsHighWire PressThe Royal College of Psychiatrists is the professional and educational body for psychiatrists in the United Kingdom. We aim to set standards and promote excellence in psychiatry and mental healthcare The Royal College of Psychiatrists is committed to improving the understanding of psychiatry and mental health. We want there to be a greater understanding of the interaction between mental and physical health and the social and cultural context in which people live. We are at the forefront in setting and achieving the highest standards through education, training and research. We lead the way in developing excellence and promoting best practice in mental health services. We promote research and publish the results in our world-class psychiatric journals.Publishers
Karaage (Spartan)The University of MelbourneSpartan is the general purpose High Performance Computing (HPC) system operated by Research Computing Services at The University of Melbourne. It combines a high performance bare-metal compute with and GPGPUs to suit a wide range of use-cases.Research Platform, Compute
LabArchiveslabarchivesLabArchives is the most innovative research notebook software available. Far more than an electronic notebook ("e-notebook" or "ELN"), LabArchives stores and catalogs all of your research for easy retrieval and publication.Research Platform, Data
Lyell CollectionhighWire PressLaunched in 2007 to celebrate 200 years of the Geological Society of London, the Lyell Collection is an online collection comprising of the Society's journal titles, Special Publications and key book series. Cutting edge science sits alongside important historical material, all captured and presented to the highest electronic standards and benefiting from the extensive functionality of HighWire Press' platform.Publishers
My eQualsDigitary (My eQuals)The My eQuals site allows students and graduates from universities in Australia and New Zealand to receive, view, and securely share their education credentials.Teaching & Learning
Oxford JournalsHighWire PressOxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which is a department of Oxford University. We publish well over 230 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations.Publishers
PebblePad Shibboleth Service ProviderPebble Learning PTY LTDPebblePad is an award-winning learning technology used in organisations across the globe to support learning, assessment, and professional development.Teaching & Learning
Rockefeller University Press JournalsHighwire PressThe Rockefeller University Press (RUP) is committed to quality and integrity in scientific publishing. Our goal is to publish excellent science using the latest technologies. We carry out rigorous peer review, applying the highest standards of novelty, mechanistic insight, data integrity, and general interest.publishers
SAGE Journals OnlineHighwire PressSAGE Publications is an independent international publisher of journals, books, and electronic media. Known for our commitment to quality and innovation, we are a world leader in our chosen scholarly, educational, and professional markets.Publishers
The Electrochemical SocietyHighWire PressThe ECS Digital Library (DL) is home to the Journal of The Electrochemical Society (JES), the flagship journal of The Electrochemical Society, published continuously since 1902Publishers
ACU REDCapAustralian Catholic UniversityResearch Electronica Data Capture (REDCap) is a secure web application designed for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy.Research Platform, Data
REDCapIntersect, NSW Health, Macquarie University, University of Technology Sydney, Edith Cowan University, Australian Catholic UniversityREDCap is a secure web platform for building and managing online databases and surveys. REDCap's streamlined process for rapidly creating and designing projects offers a vast array of tools that can be tailored to virtually any data collection strategy. Contact the provider to access your organisation's instance of REDCap.Research Platform
Research StorageGriffith UniversityGriffith University offers various storage services to all researchers and research students affiliated with the University. The Research Storage Service is an area where researchers can gain access to digital storage based on their storage needs.Research Platform, Data

Publishers and commercial organisations connected to AAF

The following organisations provide products or services which support education, research or research and development to the Australian Access Federation.

ACADEM Workload Allocations Management System (WAMS) software for academics
Agilent Technologies iLab research solution
American Chemical Society Largest scientific society and the home of chemistry professionals
APAN Asia Pacific Advanced Network
Atypon Online publishing
BarNet Legal research platform
Cambridge University Press Cambridge Journals and Books Online
Clarivate Analytics Analytics strategy solutions
ClickView Provide a media management and delivery platform for education
Digitary Secure online academic credentials
Dept of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Dataplace Provide advice and support to the Govt to develop, coordinate and implement policy
EBSCO Information Services E-journals, e-books, and research databases
Elsevier Inc Scientific, technical and medical online journals
Emerald Group Publishing Limited Emerald Management online journals
figshare Cloud based repository for citeable and discoverable research outputs
Fujifilm Business Innovation
Australia Pty Ltd (previously known as Fuji Xerox Australia Pty Ltd)
Business and document management solutions
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Medical publishers
KIK Innovation (formerly Grok Learning Pty Ltd) Computer science and programming education platform
HighWire Press High Wire online services
Intersect Leading provider of digital research training, data science and technology
Informit Platform to develop, search for, publish and share data
Interactive Development (previously known as Virtual Accident) eLearning, focusing on technical safety subjects
iSEE VC iSee provides immersive video collaboration, merging video conferencing
JDR software Student timetabling software
Karger Publishers Medical and scientific online journals and books
Kivuto Academic software discounts
Kortext Ebooks and textbooks for university students
LabArchives LLC LabArchives electronic Laboratory Notebook
Learning Technologies Group Hosted Moodle
Masaryk University, Brno (Institute of Computer Science) Atlas of Pathology
Massachusetts Medical Society – NEJM The New England Journal of Medicine
MathWorks MathWorks develops, sells, and supports MATLAB and Simulink products
Membership Solutions Limited Digital engagement for students
Newvote Student voting
Open Learning International educational publisher
Oxford University Press Provider of international education online
PAN Software Project Management software
PebblePad ePortfolio, eassessment and tutoring technology
ProQuest Ebook and print book services
QPAY SAAS campus solution that provides management tools for universities
QS unisolution moveon 4, a CRM tool
QLD Health To authenticate external research partners to access QLD Health REDCap
Research Research Ltd Research Professional tool
Springer Nature International research publisher
Stratocore Stratocore
TALIS Education Limited Talis Aspire
TERENA (Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) TERENA SP Proxy
The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) RSC Publications Online
Thomson-Reuters Professional Information & Solutions Provider
Turnitin Higher education plagiarism detection service
hivve (formerly Vertigo Ventures) Impact Assessment and Reporting


The following organisations are a part of the Australian Access Federation through VerifID.

The Beans Group Ltd Student Beans online services
MyUNiDAYS Limited Student support service
SheerID Digital Verification
The School Locker Student support service

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