ORCID Communication and Outreach Resources

To support member outreach efforts ORCID and the AAF have developed a range of communication resources.

Communication examples
Organisation Resource
Flinders University ORCID Implementation Pilot Project
Queensland University of Technology ORCID Implementation Project
University of Newcastle ORCID Implementation Project
University of Adelaide Outreach Strategy for Researcher Engagement
Australian Access Federation Generic communication examples
ORCID Communication Toolkit
Phase Purpose Audience Resource
1. Anticipation Begin initial education
of ORCID among researchers before
a call to action
Researchers without an
Anticipation Content
Video – What is ORCID
Video – Why ORCID
2. Action Ask researchers to register
for an ORCID ID and
authorise organisation
Researchers with an
ORCID ID but are yet
to authorise their
organisation to update
Action Content
Video – Why ORCID
3. Awareness Achieve awareness of
benefits and understanding
of what ORCID is
and when/how to use it
All researchers with an
Video – Why ORCID

For more information about the ORCID communication resources visit Outreach Resources.